From the recording The Broomfield Hill (Child 43)


There was a knicht and a lady bricht Set trysts amang the broom, The ane to be there at twal o’ the clock And the other yin true at noon. Chorus Oh leeze me thee, and thoo and a’ And madam will ye do? And the seal o’ me is abracee Fair maiden I’m for you. I’ll wager you, my bonnie lass, Five hunder pound and ten, That ye’ll no’ come tae the tap o’ the hill And come back a maid again. Chorus I’ll tak your wager, bonnie lad, Five hunder pound and ten, That I’ll gang tae the tap o’ the hill And come back a maid again. Chorus As she walked up that high, high hill, It was the hour of noon, And there she saw her true lover, A sleepin’ in the broom. Chorus Nine times she walked aroond his heid, Nine times aroond his feet, Nine times she kissed his bonnie red mou’, And O, but it was sweet. Chorus When he awoke frae his muckle sleep, And oot o’ his unco dreams, Says he “My freres, whaure’s my true love, That has been here and gane?” Chorus  “If ye slept mair in the nicht, maister, Ye’d wauken mair in the day. If ye’d awaukened frae your sleep She would nae hae gotten away.” Chorus “If ye’d hae waukened me frae my sleep, O’ her I’d ha’ taen my will. Though she’d hae deed the very next day, I would hae gotten my fill.” Chorus Oh greetin’, greetin’, went she out, But lauchin’ came she in ‘Twas a’ for her body’s safety, And the wager she did win. Chorus So the wager’s laid and the wager’s paid, Five hunder’ pound and ten, ‘Twas a’ for her body’s safety, And the wager she did win. Chorus knicht: knight bricht: bricht set trysts: arranged a meeting amang: among ane: one twal: twelve o’: of yin: one leeze me thee: dear is to me thoo: thou a’: all seal o’ me is abracee: this is my pledge hunder: hundred no’: not tae: to tap: top tak :take gang: go around: around heid: head mou’: mouth frae: from muckle: deep oot: out unco: unnatural frères: friends whaure: where gane: gone mair: more nicht: night maister: master wauken: woken hae: have ha’: have taen: taken deed: died greetin: weeping lauchin: laughing